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Cyprus Hobbit’s favourite herb offered by the beautiful island of Cyprus, is Helichrysum Italicum, Immortelle, Everlasting, or as we call it in Cyprus “Tears of Holy Mary”. This evergreen, golden flower is the main ingredient of what we can call our signature tea. It came around with plenty of love after trying liters and liters of tea… What came out and what we feel grateful and excited sharing with you, is what you get to experience here. It truly goes beyond words, but if we would describe it in words, we would say it is an aromatic, smooth, calming and relaxing tea.

Each bud you have in your hands has been one by one carefully handpicked and with lots of patience and love, naturally dried. Apart from yours, there are only two other sets of hands that came in touch with it.

Athometha means for us (Pavlos and Stephania) the essence of Love and everything that it incorporates.

May you as well when drinking this “elixir” feel the Love and Light that is contained in each sip.  



Helichrysum Italicum buds

Rose Buds



Helichrysum has choleretic and diuretic properties and is used for peptic discomfort. It helps to relieve water retention, has good anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-allergic properties, as well as anti-aging properties.

Rose buds have a number of excellent health effects including boosting the immune system, treating a sore throat and boosting your digestive health. Great for the skin and the hair. An excellent, natural diuretic, used to treat urinary tract infections. Can alleviate many menstruation symptoms. Contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Lavender has the ability to relieve stress, improve mood, promote restful sleep, lower skin irritation, prevent infections, reduce inflammation, eliminate dandruff, and soothe stomach bloating. It can provide relief from chronic pain, inflamed tissues, arthritis, insomnia, high anxiety, mood swings, gastrointestinal upset, tension, and headaches, just to name a few.


Our recommended way of preparation for 1 cup:

1 helichrysum bud

1 rose bud

1 pinch of lavender


Bring water to boil. Preheat your tea-pot or cup, by pouring some of the hot water in and then disposing it. Now you can fill it back up together with Athometha. Cover it up for 5-7 minutes. We love to add a bit of raw honey now, it rounds it up very gently. Your cup of Athometha tea is now ready! Enjoy!


Do not hesitate to play around with the dosage and let us know what you discover!


* The information contained here are for educational purposes only.

The traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history, are merely recounted here. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner. and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided. By use of the information contained herein you agree to hold harmless and its representatives.


Athometha Tea 20gr. (appr. 33 doses)

SKU: 10
Sales Tax Included
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