The carob tree is a species of flowering evergreen tree in the pea family, Fabaceae.
It's cultivated for its edible pods. Carob is mildly sweet and is used in powdered, chip, or syrup form as an ingredient in cakes and cookies, and as a substitute for cocoa powder.
Carob consumed by humans is the dried (and sometimes roasted) pod. The pod consists of two main parts: the pulp accounts for 90% and the seeds for 10% of the pod weight.
In Cyprus, carob syrup is known as Cyprus's black gold, and is widely exported. This is a traditional medicine for coughs and sore throat. Carob syrup is also used as a natural sweetener, and is considered a natural source of calcium.Carob contains three times more calcium than milk. It is also rich in iron, phosphorus, and natural fibers.
How we collect!
We search ony for Wild Carob Trees away from any source of pollution, and trees located near natural sources of water (cliffs, rivers etc) since carob needs water to increase the the amount of honey in their pods! Not all wild Carob trees produce fine carob pods with a lot of honey. Cyprus Hobbit in searhing and finding the oldest Carob trees in the island and collecting by hand one by one only the finest pods!
Overall Benefits of Carob:
1. Naturally low-fat
2. Low in sodium
3. Contains calcium, but no oxalates
4. High in fiber
5. Gluten-free
6. Helps relieves diarrhea
7. Caffeine-free
8. Good source of antioxidants
9. Free of tyramine
* The information contained here are for educational purposes only.
The traditional uses of specific plants as recorded through history, are merely recounted here. Always seek advice from a medical practitioner. and its representatives will not be held responsible for the improper use of any plants or documentation provided. By use of the information contained herein you agree to hold harmless and its representatives.
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